Başlık Hit Tarih Hit Comments
    Apoptosis Assessment
    2010-07-13 2722 (0)
    Association of IRS-1 and IRS-2 genes polymorphisms with polycystic ovary syndrome
    2012-05-30 2273 (0)
    Biyoloji eğitiminde moleküler evrim
    2009-04-22 2772 (0)
    Çevresel etkenlerin genler üzerine etkisi ve genetik analiz yöntemleri
    2010-05-28 2608 (0)
    Clinical validity and utility of genetic testing – the viewpoint of a clinical geneticist
    2009-09-27 2167 (0)
    DNA and Molecular Genetics
    2009-04-15 2947 (0)
    DNA İzolasyonu
    2009-03-24 9923 (0)
    EDTA’lı Tam Kan Örneklerinden Otomatik DNA İzolasyonu
    2010-10-19 3488 (0)
    Gen polimorfizmi ve kansere yatkınlık
    2009-01-05 2746 (0)
    General methods in molecular biology
    2009-11-04 2525 (0)
    Hücre Bölünmesi
    2009-09-27 7115 (0)
    Hücre Siklusu ve Kanser
    2009-04-18 6475 (0)
    Human origins. The molecular perspective
    2009-07-22 2033 (0)
    Impact of Molecular Medicine on Pathophysiology, Medical Practice, and Medical Education
    2009-07-22 2034 (0)
    Methods for DNA isolation
    2009-11-04 2868 (0)
    Molecular biology of pancreatic cancer
    2011-12-10 1867 (0)
    Molecular pathogenesis of emphysema
    2009-08-19 2017 (0)
    Nükleotid Eksizyon Onarımı ve Kanser
    2009-04-26 3184 (0)
    Pathobiology of brain metastases
    2009-01-20 2080 (0)
    PCR-Based Methods for Detecting Single-Locus DNA Methylation Biomarkers in Cancer Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Response to Treatment
    2010-10-19 2270 (0)
    Talasemi Moleküler Genetiği
    2008-10-14 3082 (0)
    The Genetic Basis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Impaired Insulin Secretion versus Impaired Insulin Sensitivity
    2009-01-29 2420 (0)
    The role of genetic polymorphisms in alcoholic liver disease
    2009-01-27 2465 (0)
    Türkiye ’de gözlenen anormal hemoglobinlerde beta globin gen ailesi haplotipleri
    2008-08-21 2445 (0)
    Ulusal savunmada moleküler biyoloji ve biyoteknolojinin önemi
    2009-04-15 2670 (0)
    UV Spectrophotometric Analysis of DNA and RNA
    2009-11-04 3599 (0)